Regardless of the size, age or staffing numbers within your business, it is your responsibility to ensure you are adhering to employment laws at all times. These are continually changing so enlisting the help of a professional should a situation arise is the first thing to do. You need to make sure you are compliant in a vast array of areas, including building compliances, contractual obligations both in house and externally, Human Resources, taxes and accounting – the potential for mistakes to be made is unfortunately quite substantial.
Monitoring the changes in employment laws and regulations is a priority for our employment solicitors, so you can be certain you will be receiving the most up to date and accurate advice possible should you require their help. They can assist you with:
- drafting policies and procedures to deal with everything from the rights of new parents to the process for making a flexible working request;
- creating tailored employment contracts and service agreements;
- ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations;
- advising on grievance and disciplinary issues;
- investigating and resolving complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying;
- resolving disputes concerning pay, bonuses, annual leave and pension entitlement;
- advising on the fair treatment of employees on long-term sickness leave;
- defending unfair dismissal and other employment tribunal claims;
- defending personal injury claims brought by employees and visitors to your premises;
- providing representation before professional bodies and industry regulators;
- negotiating severance packages and settlement agreements;
- enforcing restrictive covenants and restraint of trade provisions, including via court proceedings if necessary;
- recovering confidential and commercially sensitive information from former employees;
- preventing infringement of your intellectual property rights;
- addressing data protection issues in the employment context; and
- advising on issues arising out of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) following a business sale or transfer of services.
Mediation may be offered as an option to try before any steps towards a court case are made. Your solicitor will support you through this process and then explain next steps dependent on its success or failure.
Advising employers throughout Chatham, Kent and beyond
We have offices in Chatham, Maidstone, Tonbridge, Gravesend and Tenterden.
We can also offer meetings at your place of business or via a skype conference call if needed.
We offer an initial appointment to discuss your requirements from £250 – £375 plus VAT depending on your solicitor’s experience. After that we can arrange flexible payment terms, including monthly billing to help you budget.
Get in touch with our employment law solicitors in Chatham, Kent
Call us on 01634 811444 for any business related advice you need. Alternatively complete our contact us form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.